hey there!

Thanks for swinging by. My name is Lindsey and I’m the founder & CEO of LNDSEY Marketing Solutions.

This is a one-gal show recently relocated to my beloved hometown of Tucson, AZ by way of Asheville, NC, for the past 10+ years.

You’re probably here to get a better sense of who I am so I’ll keep it short and sweet. I like doing that.

  • Born and raised in southern Arizona

  • Big fan of all things, books, video games, podcasts, and documentaries

  • Devoted dog mom

  • An AmeriCorps alum having worked with formerly houseless elderly and young folks in Boys & Girls Clubs

  • Founded business to help busy teams offload the things they hate, still get them done, and have more time to spend on the things they actually love

It’s important to me that my clients feel like they have a resource, a helper, and someone who is on their side. This world is big, difficult, and full of surprises. Let’s make marketing none of those things.

 but, you really want to meet bao.